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Swim Coniston 2016 - 1mile
Coniston is third largest lake in the Lake District in the north of England. The lake is famous for the children's novel Swallows and Amazons, which is set around Peel Island, and also as the location for the ill-fated World Water-speed record attempts by Donald Campbell.
The swim will start on Saturday morning from the beach near to the Brown Howe car park (on the south west shore of the lake), with entrants swimming across the lake, towards and around Peel Island, returning to the Brown Howe beach. This swim is approximately 1 mile in length.
Swimyourswim operate these swims as 'challenges' rather than 'races' and accordingly have a long track-record of providing excellent safe events. Core to the safety of the event are the 'swim-pods' that each swimmer is allocated to - small groups of swimmers (of similar ability and speeds) that can support each other to successfully complete the swim. Swimmers will be need to provide their average mile swim time in order to be allocated a relevant 'swim pod'. The team from Swimyourswim will be providing full safety support on the day.
Swimyourswim events are small, friendly and tailored to ensure YOU complete YOUR swim - so they are ideal for those new to open water events. ª
The Swimyourswim team will be in Coniston, over the weekend of the swim - if you are hoping to be one of our Swim Consiton swimmers there will be a compulsory swim briefing on the morning of the swim - Swim Consiton swimmers MUST attend this. (Time to be confirmed).
Certificates and prizes will be presented after all swimmers have exited the water.
If you would like more information about this swim, and what we would recommend as minimum swim requirements please email us on
Please complete the REGISTRATION FORM below to save your place on this swim.
Once you have registered and paid for your place on this swim the SYS team will be in touch with a SYS Event Pack with a few more details about the swim and a mini training plan to help you get ready for the event.
ª Open water swimming is a serious sport with a number of risks involved. SYS will need to ensure that all swimmers meet the right levels of open-water swimming competency, and that there is no medical reason as to why a swimmer should not participate.
SYS reserve the right to bar a swimmer from taking part, before and/or during the event, should they feel that a swimmer is unable to complete the swim without endangering themselves or others. Should a swimmer be barred from the event there would be NO return of fees already paid.
In the event of the swim being cancelled due to poor weather conditions or other incidents that are beyond the control of the SYS team, SYS will endeavour to re-arrange the swim at another time in the year*.
Once a swim has been booked no refunds will be available, but your place may be transferable to another swimmer who meets all the SYS swim criteria. If you have to relinquish your place please contact us immediately on
Your place on the swim will not be confirmed until full payment is received by SYS. Should you be unable to make the full payment for the swim by the closing date for entries (end of March 2016) your place may be offered to someone else.
*SYS will do their VERY best to re-run events that have to be called off for these reasons but there is no guarantee that this can be achieved within the same year. We would hate for an event/swim to be completely cancelled, but think it best that you know there is a chance of this happening from the outset. Refunds in this instance would be at the discretion of the SYS team. For more information please email us on
We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.
Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.
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