SYS Policy Documents

Review Date January 2026


SwimyourSwim takes all complaints about all behaviour seriously, whether inside or outside an event or session. Swimyourswim will handle complaints based on the principles of procedural fairness (natural justice), that is:
• All complaints will be taken seriously – both the person making the complaint (complainant) and the person the complaint is against (respondent) will be given full details of what is being said against them and have the opportunity to respond (give their side of the story)
• Irrelevant matters will not be taken into account.
• Decisions will be unbiased and fair
• Any penalties imposed will be fair and reasonable.
• More serious complaints may be escalated to the relevant channels.

If the complaint relates to suspected child abuse, sexual assault or other criminal activity, then Swimyourswim will need to report the behaviour to the police and/or relevant government authority.


When a complaint is received by Swimyourswim via any means, the person receiving the complaint (e.g. volunteer or staff member) will:

• Listen carefully and ask questions to understand the nature and extent of the problem • Ask what the complainant would like to happen
• Explain the different options available to help resolve the problem
• Take notes and maintain confidentiality but not necessarily anonymity (where possible)

Once the complainant decides on their preferred option for resolution, SwimYourSwim will assist, where appropriate and necessary, with the resolution process. This may involve:

• Supporting the person complaining to talk to the person being complained about
• Bringing all the people involved in the complaint together to talk objectively through the problem (this could include mediation)
• Gathering more information (e.g. from other people that may have seen the behaviour)

Alleged criminal conduct shall be immediately reported to the proper authorities

In situations where a complaint is referred to an external agency, e.g. the Police, SwimyourSwim will:

• Co-operate fully to ensure the complainant and respondent are not victimised
• Where applicable, ensure the complainant is not placed in an unsupervised situation with the respondent(s)
• Act on the external bodies’ recommendations.

At any stage of the process, a person can seek advice from or lodge a complaint with an anti-discrimination commission or other external agency.


There shall be zero tolerance (i.e. immediate termination of employments or affiliation with Swimyourswim for retaliation engaged in by any coach, employee, volunteer or participant against any person submitting a complaint. This includes any retaliation by friends, parents, or spouse of the person alleged to have engaged in misconduct.

If the complaint alleges a dangerous or hostile environment, Swimyourswim will act immediately to restore a safe environment while the complaint process takes place

If the individual, or parent of a minor individual, reporting harassment or other serious transgression asks that the reporting individual’s or victim’s name not be disclosed to
the person accused, all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the individual’s request shall be taken as long as doing so does not prevent Swimyourswim from responding effectively to serious misconduct (i.e., sexual harassment, discrimination and preventing harm to others).

Swimyourswim shall advise the person alleged to have engaged in misconduct, verbally or in writing of the following:

• That he/she is alleged to have violated our policy
• The specific nature of the allegation made
• That the complaint process will be followed, including the possible imposition of sanctions.


Swimyourswim will take disciplinary action against anyone found to have breached our policy or made false and malicious allegations. Any disciplinary measure imposed under our policy must:

• Be applied consistently with any contractual and employment rules and requirements; • Be fair and reasonable;
• Be based on the evidence and information presented and take into account the seriousness of the breach;

Possible measures that may be taken include:

• Verbal and/or written apology;
• Withdrawal of any awards, placings, records, achievements bestowed in any tournaments, activities or events held or sanctioned by SwimyourSwim
• Suspension or termination of membership, participation or engagement in a role or activity, de-registration of accreditation for a period of time or permanently
• Any other form of discipline that SwimyourSwim considers reasonable and appropriate.


The complainant or respondent can lodge an appeal against decisions of or disciplinary measures imposed by Swimyourswim. Appeals must be based on either a denial of natural justice, because of unjust or unreasonable disciplinary measure(s) being imposed, or on the grounds that the decision was not supported by the information/evidence presented and available to the decision maker. Avenues for appeal will be discussed on an individual complaint basis.

In the event of the complaint not being resolved successfully the incident can be escalated to the relevant governing body, that being either the STA (The Swimming Teachers’ Association)  Anchor House, Birch St, Walsall WS2 8HZ By Phone  08:00–16:00 Mon–Fri +44 (0)1922 645097 for swimming related issues or the RYA ( Royal Yachting Association ) R Y A House Ensign Way, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4YA 023 8060 4100 for any powerboat course issues.


This policy relates to the following courses: 



This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain correct and are fit for purpose. However, the policy may be reviewed and updated at any time to reflect any changes made by Safety Training Awards (STA) or the Regulatory authorities.

ATC NAME: Swimyourswim Ltd

ATC REGISTERED ADDRESS: Holmlea, Manvers Road, Swallownest, Sheffield S26 4UB


TELEPHONE: 07967 633214



We are committed to providing an efficient and high standard of service to all. It is our aim to ensure that all assessment outcomes are fair, consistent, and reliable based on the valid judgements of the assessor using the assessment strategy for the STA qualification on offer. However, occasions may arise where the learner may wish to question a decision.


We will ensure:

  • Assessments are carried out by assessors who have the appropriate qualifications, knowledge, understanding, and skills, and the assessments are valid for the subject or qualification in question
  • Assessment evidence is authentic, solely being produced by the learner in question 
  • Consistency of assessment decisions covering all assessors over time 
  • Appeals are heard by individuals that have the appropriate competence to make decisions in each individual case and have had no prior involvement, or a personal interest in the case.

Everyone has the right to appeal if they believe that their assessment decision, or a decision following a malpractice or maladministration investigation is incorrect. This policy will define the stages and procedures you would need to follow, guidance is as follows:

  • The process you need to follow to submit an enquiry or appeal
  • The timescales for an enquiry or appeal
  • How and when you will be notified of the outcome. 

We will accept an appeal in relation to the following:

  • Appeals against results of a course assessment and/or internal quality assurance monitoring activities
  • Appeals against a decision made relating to a reasonable adjustment or special considerations application
  • Appeals against decisions relating to any action taken against a learner following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration. 

Firstly, we advise all learners to discuss any concerns or enquiries relating to the result of the assessment with the assessor to resolve the issue. If you are not satisfied with the outcome then please contact the ATC Co-ordinator for further advice and guidance. 


If a learner is unhappy about the assessment decision awarded to them, they must first go through the ATC named above appeals process prior to contacting Safety Training Awards (STA). 

Where possible, the ATC Co-ordinator will carry out an initial, informal assessment of the appeal, to ensure the application is complete and to ascertain if the issue can be resolved before it goes to a formal appeal. We may do so over the telephone or via email. In all cases we will ensure that the person carrying out this initial check does not have a personal interest in the decision being appealed. All actions will be confirmed via email. 

On occasions a more formal approach is required and in these cases your appeal must be put in writing via email directly to the ATC Co-ordinator. If the appeal cannot be put in writing, a member of our team will relay any verbal communications via email, to ensure all details have been understood. 


Appeals should be made in writing via email to the ATC Co-ordinator within 10 working days of the assessment date. Please find the ATC and ATC Co-ordinator contact details at the end of this policy. 

The appeal email must include the following information: 

  • Learner’s name and contact details
  • Venue / site name
  • Tutors name  
  • Assessors name
  • Names of others involved 
  • Details of the reasons to appeal
  • Copies of any supporting evidence. 

If the appeal is excessively long or complex, we may ask you to provide a summary so that we are clear what the issues are.

All appeals will be acknowledged within 5 working days, investigated, and a response provided within 14 working days. If the process is likely to take longer, we will contact all involved to inform them of the revised timescale.

We will endeavour to complete any appeals within 14 working days of receipt of the initial appeal. To ensure a fair and thorough investigation, the duration may depend on the nature and severity of the appeal received, and the investigating team member will notify the appellant as soon as possible, if the investigation will take longer than expected. 

If your appeal is not upheld, we will explain the reasons why via telephone and email.


A learner may escalate an enquiry or appeal after they have exhausted the ATCs enquiries and appeal process and remain dissatisfied with the outcome. Any enquires and appeals must be submitted to Safety Training Awards (STA) within 28 days of course results being issued to the learner. Please refer to the Safety Training Awards enquiries and appeals policy on the website for  further information 


Ofqual (England) and Qualifications Wales (QW) Escalation Procedures

If a customer or learner is not satisfied with the outcome decision from an ATC and Safety Training Awards Enquiries and Appeals procedures, they may escalate an appeal to the relevant regulator. 

Please note the regulators are unable to overturn an assessment decision for regulated qualifications that are offered by an Awarding Organisation (AO). 


Earlsdon Park, 53-55 Butts Road

Coventry, CV1 3BH

Tel: 0300 303 3344 / Email:



• In order to participate in sessions or events through SwimYourSwim, you are required to complete this form fully.
• In case of medical emergency, your details may be shared with the emergency services, along with your next of kin details.
• It is your responsibility to inform SwimYourSwim if any of your details change before your next swim session / event.
• Medical details and medication are an essential part of any handover to the emergency services should the need arise. SwimYourSwim will not be held responsible for any incorrect information held that has not been updated in accordance with this policy.
• SwimYourSwim will never use your data to contact you for marketing or events, but may contact you directly if changes to an event occur which require your personal attention.


• We will never sell, give, or allow your data to be accessed by any other company.
• Your details will be stored in compliance with Data Protection Regulations.
• Only specific individuals within SwimYourSwim will have access to this information.
• At least one of these individuals will be present at any given event or session. * Your details will be stored for a maximum of 2 years, and then destroyed. After this time, you will be required to complete a new declaration form in order to continue to participate in sessions or events.


• You have the right to request a full Data Subject Access Request from SwimYourSwim at any time. This is a full disclosure on any information that is held about you. This is free of charge and will be provided within 1 calendar month of the request.
• Please send all DSAR’s via email to If you have any questions, please contact: Leon Fryer – Lead coach.


Swimyourswim Ltd is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst the whole workforce. It is within our best interest to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.

Our aim is to ensure that al volunteers, employees and job applicants are given equal opportunity and that our organisation is representative of all sections of society. Each volunteer or employee will be respected and valued – and will be able to give their best as a result.

This policy reinforces our comittment to providing equality and fairness to all in our employment, and not provide less favourable facilities or treatments on any grounds. These include, but are not limited to:
• age

• disability
• sex or sexual orientation
• gender reassignment
• marriage and civil partnership • pregnancy and maternity
• race
• ethnic origin
• colour
• nationality
• national origin
• religion or belief

We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

All volunteers and employees, regardless of whether they are part time, full time or temporary will be treated fairly and with respect. When selecting candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit, the selection process will be solely based on their aptitude and ability.

All volunteers and employees will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. Therefore the skills and resources of our organisation will be fully utilised and we can optimise the efficiency of our whole workforce.


• To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued.
• To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all.
• We will not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying or harassment, and will take measures against those who breach this policy.

• To make training, development and progression opportunities available to all staff.
• To promote equality in the workplace, which Swimyourswim believes is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
• We will encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can investigate, and take corrective measures if required.

• To encourage volunteers and employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect. • To regularly review all our employment practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times.

In the event of any complaint being made but not resolved successfully via the above procedure detailed in our complaints policy the incident can be escalated to the relevant governing body, that being either the STA (The Swimming Teachers’ Association)  Anchor House, Birch St, Walsall WS2 8HZ By Phone  08:00–16:00 Mon–Fri +44 (0)1922 645097 for swimming related issues or the RYA ( Royal Yachting Association ) R Y A House Ensign Way, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4YA 023 8060 4100 for any powerboat course issues.


This policy is aimed at volunteers and attendees who participate in our events and programs – specifically our STA / RYA endorsed programmes or STA/ RYA qualifications and our team who are delivering the training services and who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice.


The purpose of this policy is to set out the steps we will take if we suspect malpractice and our responsibilities in dealing with such cases. It is also in place to review our processes in light of a suspected or actual case of malpractice. We will act upon any reports of suspected or actual cases of malpractice we receive which may affect the integrity of our training programme(s) and quality assurance systems. We also have a professional responsibility to report non adherence with regard to STA OR RYA programmes to the STA / RYA.


Malpractice is essentially any activity or practice which deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of the assessment process and/or the validity of certificates and qualifications. For the purpose of this policy this term also covers professional misconduct.

Examples of malpractice may include but are not limited to the following:

• Forgery of evidence
• Plagiarism of any nature by learners (see separate plagiarism and cheating policy) 
 • Submission of false information to gain a qualification
• Discriminatory, bullying or harassing behaviour
• Unprofessional conduct
• Behaviour likely to endanger the health or safety of the public
• Breach of confidentiality of learners or organisation
• Failure to meet the awarding body or regulator’s requirements
• Falsifying assessment records

Examples of Centre malpractice with regard to providing STA / RYA qualifications may include but are not limited to:

• Inadequate centre procedures for the induction of members of staff / volunteers
• Failure to provide learners, volunteers and members of staff with the knowledge of their responsibilities through relevant policies and procedures that include the possible consequences of non-compliance
• Failure to review systems, policies and procedures to ensure they remain fit for purpose 
 • Inadequate support for learners and members of staff that includes ways of helping learners understand how malpractice can occur and be prevented
• Failure to follow centre’s own procedures relating to malpractice, maladministration and/ or plagiarism
• Failure to report malpractice to STA/RYA including cases of plagiarism that have been dealt with through a customer ’s own Malpractice and Maladministration/Plagiarism policy 
 • Failure to have robust procedures in place for the review and monitoring of any administrative, assessment or quality process / activity that could result in the deliberate falsification of records
• Persistent mistakes or poor administration within a centre resulting in the failure to keep appropriate learner assessment records
• Inaccurate recording of learner assessment decisions leading to invalid claims for certification
• Non-compliance with STA/RYA requirements
• Failure to retain accurate records of learner assessment decisions for the specified timescale.

In the event of any complaint being made but not resolved successfully via the above procedure detailed in our complaints policy the incident can be escalated to the relevant governing body, that being either the STA (The Swimming Teachers’ Association)  Anchor House, Birch St, Walsall WS2 8HZ By Phone  08:00–16:00 Mon–Fri +44 (0)1922 645097 for swimming related issues or the RYA ( Royal Yachting Association ) R Y A House Ensign Way, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4YA 023 8060 4100 for any powerboat course issues.


SwimYourSwim Ltd provides opportunities for individuals of all ages to discover, participate and improve their swimming ability and confidence in the water. Sessions are held at a number of locations and include both pools and open water venues.

Swimyourswim acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice.

The policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background, all children;

• have a positive and enjoyable experience of swimming in a safe and child centred environment

are protected from abuse whilst participating in sessions or events

Swimyourswim acknowledges that some children, including children with disabilities and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.

As part of our safeguarding policy Swimyourswim will;

• promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
• ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people
• ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
• ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
• prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals
• ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation.
• ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents or concerns of abuse and provide support to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
• ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored

The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Swimyourswim sessions or events. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/ exclusion from the organisation.


The policy will be reviewed a year after development and then every three years, or in the following circumstances:

• changes in legislation and/or government guidance • as a result of any other significant change or event.


This policy recognises that regardless of age, gender, religion and beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background or identity, the welfare and interests of all children and young people is paramount. Swimyourswim acknowledges that some children, including children with disabilities and young people from ethnic minority communities, can be more vulnerable to abuse and neglect. We will acknowledge barriers they may face such as communication and expression and accept the responsibility to take appropriate steps to ensure their welfare and interest at all times.

• Ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents or concerns of abuse and provide support to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
• Ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
• Liaise with client schools to ensure accurate records are kept of Designated Child Safety Officers and other relevant contacts
If any staff fail to comply with policy and procedures, Sport and Health Academy will respond without delay and depending on the outcome of the investigation, the result may be dismissal from the organisation.


The policy will be reviewed annually or if the following circumstances arise:

  • Changes in legislation and/or an update in government guidance
  • As required by the Local Safeguarding Children Board, UK Sport and/or Home Country Sports Councils and Ofsted

• As a result of any other significant change or event.

In the event of any complaint being made but not resolved successfully via the above procedure detailed in our complaints policy the incident can be escalated to the relevant governing body, that being either the STA (The Swimming Teachers’ Association)  Anchor House, Birch St, Walsall WS2 8HZ By Phone  08:00–16:00 Mon–Fri +44 (0)1922 645097 for swimming related issues or the RYA ( Royal Yachting Association ) R Y A House Ensign Way, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4YA 023 8060 4100 for any powerboat course issues.

Health & Safety Policy 2025