Gladmiral is Back


Inspiring Young People Through Swimming

We are extremely proud to announce that in association with the Sheffield City Council Children’s Services team, we will be reintroducing the Gladmiral swim sessions later this winter. These sessions are for children who are looked after, with the main focus on inspiring young people to learn or develop their swimming abilities through fun.

Gladmiral was originally created by Thomas Noblett and Andrew Tighe, formerly of the Langdale Chase Hotel in Windermere. We are delighted to be able to carry on their fantastic work and vision in Sheffield, with 16 young people benefitting from the first 12 week course.

Swimming in general has been shown to have a positive effect on peoples mental health, it is also a huge confidence builder for younger ( and older ) people.

The structured coaching sessions will improve their swimming abilities, many children who are looked after have never been taught to swim which is something we are keen to address.

Our ultimate aim is to see these new swimmers venture outdoors with us and experience the further benefits from swimming in open water, not least of which will be the huge hot chocolates and cake after we get out.

Roll on winter pool sessions…