We are very proud to introduce SEVEN new Level 2 Open Water Swimming Coaches, who have today successfully completed the STA’S new coaching award course with SYS.
The three day training course was held at DCLT’S Hatfield Outdoor Activity Centre in Doncaster, bringing together a vast wealth of pool, triathlon, channel swimming and open water knowledge.
Your new open water coaches will be available to help you achieve whatever goals you want to set in open water and will be available to contact via our coaches page shortly. Based in Wales, Hampshire, Sheffield,York and Doncaster they will help to form what will soon become a comprehensive network of STA open water coaches throughout the UK.
Our September course is fully booked, but you can still join us on our final course of 2018 in October by visiting the STA website CLICK HERE
Thank you to the Outdoor Swimmer Magazine for their kind support on this course.
As always a huge thank you to all our volunteers who make these courses possible.