The Introduction To Open Water Racing (iTOWR) course is designed to give swimmers entering triathlons and open water races the skills and experience to handle open water race conditions.

The iTOWR course is NOT suitable for absolute beginners – we suggest that if you are new to open water swimming that you complete our iTOWS course first.

This course is run with a minimum of 6 people.

Our iTOWR courses will be running on selected dates between March and September, at:

 Hatfield Outdoor Activity Centre, Doncaster, on Thursday 9th May 2019.

If you would like more information about the course, and to book your place, please go to our course booking page here



  • To introduce swimmers to the complexities of open water swim events and races
  • To give swimmers tips and techniques to gain best advantage in race conditions
  • To coach and support people who have entered swim events (or other sporting activities)


The course content is designed to be flexible enough that all levels of swimming competency and experience can be involved. The iTOWR course is best run in groups of at least 6 swimmers, but in larger groups (the more people the merrier!).  Course content can, therefore, be adapted to suit the needs and numbers of the swimmer(s)

  • Welcome & safety briefing – lakeside (or in club-house) [5mins]
  • Racing Starts
    • Ramp Entry
    • Deep Water Starts
  • Open Water swim for Stroke Analysis – short course
  • Sighting training
  • Turns/Buoys
  • Open Water swim – long course
    • Drafting Exercises
  • Speed sets
  • Exit Strategy 
  • Transition practise
  • Debrief session


The course costs £25 plus the relevant swim fees at the venue you choose to take the course.


Please check our course booking page here if you would like to book onto an iTOWR course.