Swimyourswim are delighted to announce that in partnership with Skip we will be co hosting a coached lane swimming session at The New Bath Hotel in Matlock for our swimmers.
The sessions will be on Thursday evenings, 6pm – 8pm starting Thursday February 6th. The sessions will cost £7, payable to Skip on the night, with Swimyourswim delivering our coached lane session programme.
This is a fantastic opportunity to benefit from a 40 yard natural thermal spring fed pool, with an average water temperature all year round of 16ºC. Wetsuits are advisable for non acclimatised swimmers and all abilities are welcome.
These sessions are only open to over 18’s due to the hotel usage policy.
We look forward to welcoming you to this amazing venue.
The programme will be run over two 1 hour sessions, the first starting at 6pm – 7pm the second starting at 7pm – 8pm, you can stay in for both sessions if you choose.
Places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.
Please comment below if you are joining us or email us expressing your interest to info@swimyourswim.com
Please note fins and a pull buoy are required for these sessions. A flask with a hot drink and warm clothing are also required for after the swim.