Michelle Louise Millard – Ice Miler


Subject to verification by the IISA


Everyone at both Swimyourswim and Yorkshire Outdoor Swimmers are pleased to announce that on Saturday the 21st of February 2015, Michelle Louise Millard swam her way into the Ice Mile history books and became an elite endurance athlete.

Michelle swam a total distance of 1.09 miles in a water temperature of just 4.17°c  in 42 minutes 35 seconds, luckily not beating the ice mile times of either of her winter swim club coaches! (Phew).


Throughout the attempt, wearing only the required swim suit, swim cap and goggles, Michelle was very relaxed and composed.  She maintained a smooth 60 strokes per minute for the first 800 metres and then only dropping 5 strokes in the last 600 due to the energy sapping and biting cold water.

Her recovery was aided by tangtastics, hot water bottles and warm water, although her support team did get concerned for her well being when she refused chocolate (Who does that? Ed.) After an hour of recovery,  with almost everything back to normal, the smiles and realisation soon started.

So huge congratulations, and welcome to the very small and select club that is the International Ice Swimming Association (IISA),  and well done to everyone at Team Harthill for supporting yet another swimmer in achieving their goal.