Success is No Accident…


Our coached lane swimming sessions at Aston Leisure Centre continue to see people succeeding in their swimming goals.  Our sessions are open to swimmers of all abilities. We aim to help you find success in swimming YOUR swim – so whether you are an ironman (or woman), triathlete, wild swimmer, channel relayer, winter dipper or new to swimming our sessions are designed for you!

it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all love what you’re doing [Pele]

The sessions run every Sunday from 5-6pm, with pre-swim briefing and registration at 4.45pm in the foyer of the leisure centre.  Sessions cost £5, and it is really helpful if you can let us know if you’re coming…  the lanes do fill up so we operate on a first-come, first served basis.  You can either book you place by emailing us at or adding your name to the weekly Facebook registration post…  We are looking forward to seeing you!