Category: Uncategorized

Coach Development Day

Coach Development Day If you’re an open water swimming coach looking to develop your personal technique, whilst learning how to identify and correct stroke flaws in the swimmers you coach, we have the perfect day for you. In partnership with Stuart Hacker from Swimcube SYS will be hosting a development day for six coaches at Stuarts superb facility at Brixworth… Read more →

Seasonal Swims

We’ll be hosting our usual Boxing and New Years day swims at Thrybergh this year. You can join us by registering on our Wix booking website, please make sure you have completed the online membership form ( if you are swimming with us for the first time ) both swims start at 10.30am See you in the water. Read more →

Congratulations – 5 New Ice Milers

We’re delighted to announce that the Loch Morlich Ice mile attempts have now all been ratified by IISA, rounding off our 2023 winter swim camp in style with 5 new Ice Milers. Congratulations to – Jerrie Roberts, 54m 53s officially becoming the oldest international ice miler. Lynda Stoddart, 43m 20s, the third Zimbabwean ice miler. Helen Manson, 34m.00s, Scotlands best… Read more →

Round Up – Winter Swim Camp 2023

Our first Cairngorms winter swim camp at Loch Morlich just managed to sneak in under the weather, with -10° overnights, the Loch was semi frozen by Saturday night and completely frozen on Sunday.  We had to adjust our scheduled dips ( a big thank you to everyone for being so understanding ) and stick to Loch Morlich for the weekend,… Read more →

Swim Windermere Availability Update

2023   Swimyourswim are changing the way we run our Windermere swims in 2023, so grab the opportunity to either swim solo or join a small pod of swimmers of equal ability to swim the most iconic lake in England Date 1. We will be making available 12 places for each level of ability, so on the 6th of August… Read more →

Preparing for Winter Swimming – Correction & Update

Hi Everyone There was a small inaccuracy in our last post in relation to breathing and cold shock response, we’re very happy to make the correction and our thanks to Sharon Elliot for highlighting the issue. Our amended paragraph is as follows –   Controlled Breathing Breathing rate changes dramatically when immersed in cold water A normal adult breathing rate… Read more →