Our first Cairngorms winter swim camp at Loch Morlich just managed to sneak in under the weather, with -10° overnights, the Loch was semi frozen by Saturday night and completely frozen on Sunday.
We had to adjust our scheduled dips ( a big thank you to everyone for being so understanding ) and stick to Loch Morlich for the weekend, but with the backdrop of the snow covered Cairngorms the scene was set for a series of magical swims.
With the deteriorating weather Friday was turned into ice mile and qualifier swims day, 250m 500m and 1000m badges were bravely being achieved in 3.2°C water temps which was made tougher by the -1.5°C air temperature ( dropping to -6.5°C for the night swim ).
5 Ice miles were achieved on Friday ( subject to IIISA ratification ) we’ll celebrate those swims on a later post once ratified, but for now, needless to say, they were unforgettable swims in absolutely stunning surroundings.
Thanks to everyone that shared their pictures and to Laura Nesbitt for being the camp photographer, we’ll share some more on the ice mile post to follow.
This couldn’t happen without the huge team of amazing volunteers so a MASSIVE thank you to them for making the weekend as safe and enjoyable as it was, the first pic is the word wall created from the great feedback we’ve had which will help us to make winter swim camp 2024 even better!