Saturday evening saw record breaking numbers of swimmers taking to the beautiful inky dark waters of Clumber Park lake, the third Swimyourswim night swim organised in partnership with the National Trust.
With lots of friendly smiling faces and more than a few first time night swimmers ( with the obligatory dark goggles, don’t worry guys we’ve all done it! ). After the swim we all retreated to the Park Inn courtyard for delicious hot food and drinks provided by Diana Forrest from Di’s Diner.
These events could not happen without the fantastic support from Joelle Summers and the National Trust and our own amazing team of volunteers who set up and support these events for you, as always a huge thank you to them.
Here’s a selection of the photo’s from last night, if you would like to join us for a night swim we’re at Thrybergh on the 19th of October and Hatfield on the 5th of November please click the links to register..