Saturday Successes…


Congratulations to all of yesterdays swimmers who braved 4ºC water temps at both venues and especially the three swimmers who attempted their first ICE MILE’s.

The morning saw Sam starting of on her attempt and finishing in 43m 38s ( all miles are subject to ratification by IISA ) with a good recovery.

Air temperature was hovering around 0ºC all morning.

Patrick one of our winter swim campers at Loch Awe was next in, sporting this years must have swimming attire for the discerning gent in your life. Patrick completed around 1300m before making the right decision to call a halt to his swim. After a chilly re warm and lots of hugs from the recovery team he was able to distribute his amazing and now legendary Rocky Road to the crew, if you ever get chance to swim with Patrick ask him to make you some, you won’t be disappointed.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back soon Patrick.

Last mile for the day was from the force of nature that is Mel Holland. Mel completed her swim after years of preparation and dogged determination ( ok, in all honesty it was probably a fortnights prep and no determination ) Mel completed her swim in a very impressive 31m.05s and was, as always, a pleasure to be around. Well done Mel, sub 30 next time just saying!



As always a HUGE thank you to all of the amazing team who make these attempts possible, you’re awesome.