With the winter season fast approaching we wanted to share the new details with you regarding the winter swim club and how it will run this season. The main change this year is the buddy system so please make you read the information below FULLY. We will be adhering to strict social distancing measures and our Covid 19 policy during these sessions, this will include the new NHS QR code to scan when you arrive for your swim if you have downloaded the NHS app.
Starting 24th October 2020
Session times have been reduced over winter to reflect the lower average time in the water and our wish to maintain a safe rewarming process which can be managed by the swimmer alone.
Session 1. 09.00 – 09.30
Session 2. 09.30 – 10.00
Session 1. 13.00 – 13.30
Session 2. 13.30 – 14.00
Booking is still via our Wix app which you can download via your smart phone using our invite code P8XMCA or by visiting our booking website www.swimyourswim.org Please make sure you complete the membership form when registering, membership is free. PLEASE only book week by week as we will be monitoring government advice and may have to cancel swims if we enter another stage of lockdown ( worse case scenario so fingers crossed ).
Buddy System
We will not have the use of any internal rewarming areas this year due to Covid 19, so we are implementing a buddy system to keep you safe and well.
If you book onto any winter swim club session you MUST bring a buddy with you who is capable of driving you home or monitoring your ability to do so yourself. If you are travelling with another swimmer that is in your bubble, you must book separate sessions so you can look after each other.
Your swim buddy must be with you when you register and when you leave us, there are waiting areas and hot drinks/ food available at both site cafes so rather than sit in the car and be bored encourage them to join us and be fed up.
This is the important bit – Your ability to operate a vehicle safely is greatly reduced when you are cold or hypothermic, your safety is important to us, so in the words of Bob Marley – No Buddy No Swim.
Now is the time to invest in a swimzi or dry robe or similar after swim changing robe, NHS discounts are available if you look on the appropriate websites. Warm loose fitting clothing and lots of layers for after is essential, if you are inadequately prepared or dressed for winter swimming you may be asked not to swim.
Session cost remains the same at £5.50.
See you all on the 24th of October.
If you haven’t swum with us over winter before, the following information may prove helpful –