Swim Coniston 2016


In 2016 we are running two SWIM CONISTON events:

The Swim Coniston One Mile event will take place on the morning of Saturday 16th July 2016, and will involve a swim of approximately one mile starting from the beach by the Browne Howe carpark and swimming around Peel Island.  This swim is IDEAL for those new to open water events!

This event costs £40/entrant.

TO FIND OUT MORE INFO AND BOOK YOUR PLACE GO TO OUR EVENT REGISTRATION PAGE BY CLICKING HERE (scroll past the calendar and the registration form will appear…)


The Swim Consiton end to end event will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 16th July 2016, and involves an 8km swim from the beach at the Browne Howe carpark at the south-western end of the lake, all the way to the northern end near the Bluebird Cafe.  This event is ideal for open water swimmers wanting  the next challenge up from the Great North Swim…

This event costs £85/entrant

TO FIND OUT MORE INFO AND BOOK YOUR PLACE GO TO OUR EVENT REGISTRATION PAGE BY CLICKING HERE (scroll past the calendar and the registration form will appear…)