The Story Behind the Picture – Swimming Windermere

Swimming the Lakes – Windermere.

The third story behind the picture, we’re delighted to share Emily’s third instalment of our swimmers stories.
This story has an international twist which I truly love!
In this picture Yaron Davidi is swimming Windermere. When I asked him about how a man from Israel found himself swimming with a tribe of Yorkshire folk he started talking about his friendship with Stu aka Stuart Hacker.
“Stu supported me in this swim (Stu is on the second picture in the boat!) We both swam the English Channel and supported one another in 2018 after our 2nd attempt. Our friendship grew from our shared dream of swimming the channel. I think our relationships are a true example of comradeship between open water swimmers around the globe.”
Stuart and Yaron first met in Israel after Stuart sent messages to an Israeli open water swim group on Facebook. “The swimming community never fails to amaze me with their welcoming attitude.
Before they knew it they were training to swim the channel from Hazuk beach in North Tel Aviv. The sea in Israel in winter is perfect for channel training (if you ever fancy it 😉). You can check out the story in full on
Another great story of an incredible and this time international community!
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